Sunday, September 28, 2008

38 weeks


No news from the last appointment, no change.  We're still just waiting!  In the meantime, things keep marching along at work and I'm ready say "I'm done, going on leave now!"  But, I'll wait.  I'm still feeling pretty good, just exhausted.  My doctor still thinks I won't make my due date, but I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever have this baby!  They should just lie to me and tell me I'm not dilated at all, then I'd be fine.  Thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers, we'll do our best to let you all know when it happens!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

37 weeks


A very full 37 I'm actually just 38 weeks.  We had an appointment on Friday at which they said I was 3-4 cm dilated and 80% effaced.  I have another appointment tomorrow, of course they have no way of knowing if little Jack is coming sooner than expected.  If there is any new news I'll try to update tomorrow!  Thanks to everyone who's sent good thoughts and prayers!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

36 weeks


Getting close...we have doctor appointments every week now.  On Friday I was 2-3 cm dilated...she said it could still be a couple weeks, but that I probably wouldn't make my due date, and that it could be any day.  Just trying to make as many preparations as possible at home and at school now.  We'll do our best to let everyone know if/when anything happens!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

34 weeks


It's a little late, but we've been having some internet problems.  I had a lovely three day weekend and this week, so far, has been non-stop action.  Things are not going to slow down anytime soon!  I do have a sub and she's able to come in for a couple days to observe and get familiar with the kids and the school.  It won't be long now!