Sunday, December 10, 2006

Settling in

Well, each week we're feeling more and more settled. One of my new routines is having Sundays off...which is awesome! I wake up, get ready, and take the doggies for a nice walk. We work on being good doggies during this time...this is not always a success. I come home, make some coffee and call up my mom and dad in Michigan for a chat. Then I make some lunch and watch some football, I also usually have some schoolwork to do. It's really nice.

Yesterday we found a great dog park and took the dogs. They did surprisingly well considering their lack of training and we'd like to go back often. It doesn't really feel like Christmas, but I'm doing my best. I've put up our Christmas wreath outside our front door and sprinkled the living room with Christmas scented candles. That helps! Hope all is well in Michigan!

1 comment:

  1. Jaime and Dave,
    I hadn't checked your blog for awhile. I'm glad you are enjoying life. I'm sure you are VERY busy, Jaime. Have you put Dave to work in your classroom?

    We are having strange weather. No snow all week and in the 40s. Kind of a nice reprieve before it really hits. But of course we hope for the white Christmas. (only a week away!). Your apartment pictures look great. (Not as great as the luminaria place but what can ya do about that?) Love You,
