Sunday, September 28, 2008

38 weeks


No news from the last appointment, no change.  We're still just waiting!  In the meantime, things keep marching along at work and I'm ready say "I'm done, going on leave now!"  But, I'll wait.  I'm still feeling pretty good, just exhausted.  My doctor still thinks I won't make my due date, but I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever have this baby!  They should just lie to me and tell me I'm not dilated at all, then I'd be fine.  Thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers, we'll do our best to let you all know when it happens!


  1. Grandma and I are looking at your webpage right now! Your tummy certainly has grown, or Jack has grown I guess. We can't wait to hear the news that Jack is on the way.

    Grandma says it was good to get the updated pictures since she asked you if you were getting bigger and "now I know" she says. She says you are carrying your first baby just like she carried your dad. Love ya! - Aunt Diane and Grandma DeBruin

  2. You look great in these pictures! How exciting! Your due date is Oct 7, right? Only 2 more days!! Unless I'm slow on the grapevine, and you've already had little Jack :) I'll just stick to, "Good Luck!" until I hear anything more :)
